May 2, 2009

How to Submit Blogger Blog URL and Sitemaps to Major Search Engines

This post might look long but I have combine the complete process to submit your Blogger blog URL and sitemaps to the major search engines in one post. It is basically to tell the search engines on the contents of your blog. The contents of a new blog will not appear in the search results from the search engine and if your blog post does not appear in the search results, then how are unknown potential readers going to find your blog? So it is worth it to submit your Blog to them.

There are many search engine in the world, however by submitting sitemaps to the ‘3 big’ will be sufficient. The ‘3 big’ are Google, Yahoo and MSN Bing/Live. Many search engines fetch their results from the ‘3 big’. If your blog get indexed by the ‘3 big’, it will also appear on the result page of other search engines.

When submitting a sitemap to the search engines, it is not a guarantee incursion. It will take anytime from 1 day to months before they crawl and indexed your blog. The time difference will depend on the content of your blog. The search engines can see whether if your blog have unique contents or it is just a cut and copy blog. Usually, Google will be the first to index your blog, followed by Yahoo and MSN.

When you host your blog under Blogger, even if you did not submit a sitemap to them, sooner or later Google will index them. Though Google will index your blog automatically, you can still submit a sitemap to Google Webmaster Tool. The robots will index your post faster every time a new post is up. Google Webmaster Tool will also tell you the status of your indexing. For example: You might have accidentally tag a no index tag to the entire blog without knowing it and the whole blog does not get indexed. Google Webmaster Tool will highlight this to you so that you can fix the issue fast.


1. Summiting Blogger Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tool

Blogger and Webmaster Tool are both owned by Google, so you do not need to create a new account or go thru the verification process for Google Webmaster Tool.

  • Go to [Google Webmaster Tool] and log in with your Blogger/Google account.
  • Click on “Add a Site…
  • Enter your sitemap format as:

This is the most default sitemap format to submit to Google and it will work just fine.

You can also submit your URL direct to Google. Just click on this [link] and followed the instructions. (This, I personally think it is an unnecessary extra step.) If you decided to submit your URL directly to Google, it is advisable that you have at least 10 posting and make sure that it is not cut and copy junks.

2. Summiting Blogger URL to Yahoo Site Explorer
  • You need to create a Yahoo account if you do not have one.
  • Go to [Yahoo Site Explorer] and log in with your Yahoo account.
    Upon log in, you will see “Add My Site”.
  • Enter the your blog URL in this format:
  • Yahoo Site Explorer will require you to authenticate your blog, choose “By adding a META tag to my home page.” (The other option is for when you host the blog yourself.)
  • Yahoo Site Explorer will provide you with a Meta tag that look like this: <META name="y_key" content="d8xxxxxxxxxxxxxx">.
  • Log in to your Blogger’s dashboard, click on ‘LAYOUT’ tab and click on ‘EDIT HTML'. (Don't have to expand the widget templates).
  • Find this piece of code: <head> and paste the Meta tag provide by Yahoo Site Explorer directly below it.
  • You need to parse the Meta tag by adding a slash so it looks like this: <META name="y_key" content="d8xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"/>.
  • Click on “Ready to Authenticate” and there will be a confirmation message to tell you that your blog has being verified.

Submitting your Blogger Feed to Yahoo Site Explorer
After you submit your Blog to Yahoo Site Explorer, you might want to submit a sitemap to Yahoo Site Explorer as well. This will give Yahoo more details of your blog contents.

  • Click on “Feeds
  • Enter your sitemap in this format:

3. Submitting your Blogger URL and Feed to MSN Bing Webmaster Center
  • You need to create a MSN account if you do not have one.
  • Go to [MSN Bing Webmaster Center] and log in with your MSN account.
    Enter your web address as:
  • Enter your sitemap in this format:
  • MSN Bing Webmaster Center will provide you with a Meta tag that look like this:
    <meta name="msvalidate.01" content="CFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXF5A" />
  • Log in to your Blogger’s dashboard, click on ‘LAYOUT’ tab and click on ‘EDIT HTML'. (Don't have to expand the widget templates).
  • Find this piece of code: <head> and paste the Meta tag provide by MSN Bing Webmaster Center directly below it.

You are done submitting your Blog URL and sitemaps to Google, Yahoo and MSN. Now all you need to do is to wait while you blog. You can log in to the various accounts for indexing status.

If you think this post is useful please link to me and happy blogging. All comments are welcome.

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