April 25, 2010

Horrible Parking Fail in Singapore

I guess by now, a lot of people have heard of 'People of Wal-Mart' dot com, an American blog that was launched in Nov 2009. Singapore have being as creative since 2006. There is a blog created to showcase the fail parking retards of Singapore.

Most of the posts were contributed by readers. The retards besides being an idiot in parking were also considered by many as inconsiderate assholes. In some cases, these idiots also pose a dangerous treat to unaware pedestrians and motorist. There were many supporters as well as haters. There is even a ‘Union’ created to shut down the damn blog.

The blog used to be very hot and its last post was seen in 2006 as well. Since, nobody knows what went wrong with the blog or its owner. The blog is still active today and also became a parking lot for spammers but without any updates. I have stunted 3 photos to describe what this blog is all about: “SHAMING INCONSIDERATE MOTORIST IN PUBLIC!” So, you can check if you are the "Marked" man in this blog.

All pictures are copyrighted to parkingidiots.blogspot.com

Horrible Parking Complains

Horrible Parking Complains

Horrible Parking Complains

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April 24, 2010

Optimize Blogger Title Tag for SEO

The default Blogger will shows your blog title first to the people when they search for some random or specific keywords using Google or Yahoo. In another words, if you have 700 posting on Blogger and 400 posts get indexed by Google, all your 400 postings will look almost identical in Google's results page.

Most people enter a keyword or keywords in the search engines and when the results are out. They look at the result and guess, probably he or she will just make a bet to enter the site or not. Therefore, what is the likely thing that they will look for to make sure it is a safe bet before they click on the result link? The title! Exactly, I guess a 6th grader like me had figured it out.

Blogger Title Tag for SEO

Imagine, you had written some damn awesome tutorials about dog feeding and instead of "How to feed a Chi Wawa?” the search results page displayed "JennPetGarden - How to feed a Chi...." That goes to all your 400 "un" SEO postings. This SEO hack is the basic hack I believe every blogger on Blogger’s blog should use. Periods

The Method:
Log in to your Blogger’s dashboard, click on ‘LAYOUT’ tab and click on ‘EDIT HTML'. (Don't have to expand the widget templates).

Find this line near the top;

and replace with;
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>

click 'SAVE TEMPLATE' and you done.

This piece of code basically tells the search engines to display your blog's title if it is at the homepage. If it is at any pages other then the homepage, it will display the post's title instead.

Variation 1 - Displaying your post title followed by your blog title.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>

Variation 2 - Customizing your results.
You can add your own text to the results as well. Look at the below code, it is so fun.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>
<title><data:blog.pageTitle/> | First Online Pet Shop</title>

HOWEVER, I believe variation 2 is not friendly with Yahoo. What do you think?

Credit: BloggerBuster SEO Title

If you like this posting, please share with your friends.
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The Most Sensitive Malaysian Couple I ever Seen - Part 2

Sent In: Shooi Hui

So now you probably haven’t stumble upon such people yet but hope you won’t. Its easy cause most of us can always tell what character the person is by first impression or for some of us acquaintance for a few times.

It all started with sensitivity in female, they are born with a sensitive nature to sound, movement and to the extent – even appearance. The couple I knew living downstairs (ground floor) is way off boundary cause by human nature to hear sound emitting from the 3rd floor to the ground floor is abnormal. And by this the couple is extremely abnormal. So I found out the identity of the couple as I was there for quite a long stay and got to know the inside out of their character well. It all started from the woman or shall I put it as immature mind of a young corrupt girl.

The Malaysia DreamThe Malaysia Dream

Saying this doesn’t mean that all women share the same characteristic but most of them are like her. Based on observation and close encounter, I managed to summarize her extra ability and personality. I didn’t want to follow her closely but due to her nature, I was forced to do so unwillingly.

Between 8am-9am every morning, she would throw a coin on the floor several times to wake me up from sleep. I didn’t realize the sound that woke me up was her throwing stuff but eventually I knew after she did it repeatedly that it got more obvious. That was the sign she uses. And then more sound came from her to show her dissatisfaction and dislike.

There’s a few tenant before me and all got the same treatment from her, she would do more obvious action so that each tenant was alerted of her dissatisfaction. She does not choose to tell the tenant but want to alert them by the sound she made. The tenants were unaware and carry on with their things. She started to complain and got mad for no reason. I even heard her banging the door and walking in and out of her room several times and doing weird stuff to alert tenants from 2nd up till 3rd floor. Sometimes, she even uses her boyfriend to alert the tenants. It got worse.

She’s in her mid-20s, doesn’t work doesn’t do anything in life. Don’t enjoy stepping out of the house either, not even for more than 30minutes. Usually, when she goes out she will return home as soon as possible. She hides in her room 24/7 and only her boyfriend drives out to buy food for her. So she’s always there in her hiding ground, all day all night. And we know she’s there and she exist. All of us tenants knew she doesn’t step out of the house too long. We also knew she doesn’t watch television in her room nor does anything in the house like house chores. It was so obvious because even the landlord knew her inside out when some previous tenants were too afraid to stay and move out soon before anything bad happens.

Every tenant has been affected by her action, and everyone is afraid. It was abnormal for a human to sensitive for every little sound made even on the 3rd floor. How do we know that she’s extremely sensitive? She always threw signs that she can hear and demanded us to follow. If not, she throw tantrum, cry and kick the door. Do more and kick a fuss for every single thing she doesn’t like, even small coffee cup sound. I heard it all because I tried to understand her nature, I was forced to.

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April 19, 2010

In Singapore - We are very Law

Singapore and Singaporean are very obsess with laws, just go Googling around, everything is about law. When we walking along the street, we will:"What is the law today?"

This post is to illustrate how 'Law' Singapore are.

First of all, Singapore's former Prime Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, currently holding the position as the Minister Mentor is a law graduate from Cambridge University. (I hope i did get the facts right.)

Weird Singapore Laws
As it is considered pornographic, you may not walk around your home nude.
Chewing bubblegum on the subway is an offense.
Cigarettes are illegal at all public places.
Eating raw fish while lecturing on Science is illegal. (Other subjects are okay.)
Failure to flush a public toilet after use is against the law.
Homosexuals are not allowed to live in the country.
If you are convicted of littering three times, you will have to clean the streets on Sundays with a bib on saying,” I am a litterer." This will then be broadcast-ed on the local news.
It is against the law to speak to a donkey in Chinese.
It is considered an offense to enter the country with cigarettes.
It is illegal to come within 50 meters of a pedestrian crossing the street.
It is illegal to urinate in an elevator.
It's illegal to carry a Bible or to talk to anyone about Jesus Christ.
Oral sex is illegal unless it is used as a form of foreplay.
The sale of bubblegum is prohibited.
During the long hours of winter darkness it is illegal to complain that you wish it were sunny.
Quote Source: weird-websites.info

A Singapore's movie entitled 'Just Follow Law' directed by Jack Neo was released in 2007 as well.

Just Follow Law - The Movie

What does the picture below look like to you? Some kind of papyrus scroll that contains mystic healing secrets from the Egyptian? It is just some expat asking question about the laws in Singapore. Hmm, the response was quite good.

Papyrus Scroll of Singapore Laws

If you are still not convince about the awareness of laws in Singapore, there is a FaceBook Page created for weird Singapore's laws. (Not created by me.)

Singapore Law FaceBook

Well, actually Singaporean is not very 'Law' but very BAD ASS in fact.


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How to display HTML codes in Blogger - Convertor Tool

This is a simple post/tool for Bloggers who sometimes want to display their HTML code for various reasons. When you use a HTML code, Blogger will automatically execute the code. One reason could be that Bloggers may want to display a ‘link to me’ HTML code without executing the code. So here is how, just paste the HTML or JavaScript code in the first text box below and click on CONVERT. The second text box will display the converted format. Just cut and copy the converted code and place them anywhere you like as a widget or in a blog post.

Blogger Tools

Retain Formatting (Not recommended for long codes.)

Raw Code

Converted Code

If you find this tool useful, you can...
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Simplest Method to Display an Image Rollover in Blogger

This is the simplest method to display an image rollover. An image rollover is just changing image when the mouse is over the image. It is just a random trick that I decided to share. You can use them in your Blogger post or as a normal widget.


Here is the method :
<center><a href="http://YOURLINK.blogspot.com/">

Just change the section in red accordingly.
Have fun blogging.

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April 18, 2010

Auto Post Summary Widget with Thumbnail for Blogger

There are a lot of benefits to include auto summary widgets in blogger blogs. If you notice many websites or blogs (in fact all) starts to use the auto read more scripts. The main benefit is that your blog will load faster and allow you to display more posting. It looks neater and your readers can also surf your blog with more ease and this will want to make them to return more often. It is definitely a plus recommended by most webmasters.


Recently Blogger introduce the read more hack to Blogger templates. You can include the ‘Read More’ in any part of your posting. However, this add on by Blogger does not automatic generate a thumbnail and you have to add them manually. Click here to find out more about this add on by Blogger.

If you want an advance automatic post summary ‘Read More’ hack that automatically generate a thumbnail, use the below hack instead.

First of all I would like to credit this hack to Bloggerplugins.org, where I got the original script from.

Log in to your Blogger’s dashboard, click on ‘LAYOUT’ tab and click on ‘EDIT HTML’. Tick the checkbox to ‘EXPAND WIDGET TEMPLATES’.

Backup and save a copy of your template before you do any adjustment.

Search for this line:

And replace it with:
background:#000 url() repeat-x center left;
border:1px ridge #eee;
<script type='text/javascript'>
var thumbnail_mode="float" ;
<script src='http://kingofcomplain.googlecode.com/files/AutoSummaryPlugin.js' type='text/javascript'/>

Search for this line:

And replace with:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "static_page"'>
<div expr:id='"summary" + data:post.id'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
<div style='clear: both;'/>
<span style='padding-top:5px;;float:right;text-align:right;'><a expr:href='data:post.url' rel='bookmark'><div id="readmore">Read more >></div></a></span>

Preview it and CLICK SAVE and you are done.

You can edit the word count for these var/parameters:
summary_noimg=300; (Word Count with No Image)
summary_img=300; (Word Count with Image)
img_thumb_height=150; (Thumbnail Height)
img_thumb_width=150; (Thumbnail Width)

You can customize the 'Read More' button by changing the style. However if you do not want any style but rather just the simple 'Read More' text link removes this section of the above code:
background:#000 url() repeat-x center left;
border:1px ridge #eee;


Have fun Blogging.


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Girlfriend Complain about the Most Dilly Dally Pussy Boyfriend

How many times have you heard guys complaining about their girlfriend about being too ‘slow’? Okie, girls I am going to say this. It is unfair to you girls and this kind of prejudice is totally unacceptable. You girls are not doing this for yourself but for your partners’ right? Most of you take a long time to consider the best dressing option to turn up so not to embarrass your boyfriend in front of his friends but all he can say is you are too troublesome.

I received one complain of similar sort; however this time around, it is a guy being washy pushy. Suriawati complained that her boyfriend Anwar being such a pussy and pain in the ass.

The couple was testing out some clothing in Top Man Fashion Singapore. Actually, to be precise, it’s only Anwar who was testing out the t-shirts in the department store. It seems like as if Anwar is digging for the ‘Holy Grail’. All t-shirt in Top Man Fashion are on sales at $10 per piece but Anwar took a total of 134 mins before he picked TWO damn t-shirt and leave Top Man with his girlfriend.

This is as quote from Suriawati:
He tries almost every piece of cloth in the shop, one design three sizes S, M, L all he try. Then try already, ask me tight fitting better or baggy better. The same t-shirt with same picture design, 5 colors all he try finish. The retail assistant all is having a hard time serving him yet he is still not malu (embarrassed). Until, I really cannot take it, then I ask him just buy the bloody $20 t-shirt and go lah. I then stomp off the shop, don’t care.

Tired Girl

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April 16, 2010

Crop Circles spotted on the Rice Fields of Entire Japan

Recently Japan was attacked by aliens’ invasions. The abnormalities was first sighted and reported to the government official by the locals of Tochigi Prefectures in Kanto in August 2009. Crop Circles were sighted throughout The Land of the Rising Sun.

The Japanese once again prove to the world that aliens existed and the aliens had sent an envoy to the Japanese government, though the content is not release to the public but the aliens leave us a message displayed as a form of Crop Circles before they sail off back to Mars. The case is still under close surveillance and monitoring, said Aroshi Honotutu the National Extra Terrestrial Foreign Relationship (NET) Minister of Japan.

Well, I made up the above story, the fact is Japanese are a creative lots. This is call as Rice Field Art; the farmers will change the image every year. A single pattern will last until the harvest mood. They position different types of rice in the precise location to create the effects you see below. This is called "Life in Working".

Japan Crop Circles

Japan Crop Circles

Japan Crop Circles

Japan Crop Circles

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Methods to Display/Hide Blogger Widget in Specified Pages

The default Blogger’s hosted blog will display widgets on all posts and pages. There can be times when you only want to display certain widgets on certain page. I display certain widgets only in post page as if I squeeze all my widgets in the list page, the loading will crash my readers PC if they are using Internet Explorer. I want my loading speed to be optimal. They can be a lot of reasons why to be selective and it is all up to your need.


There are two methods which I used to display widgets on certain pages.

Method 1 – Installed the conditional tags in the body section of the template.
Method 2 – Installed the conditional tags in the head section of the template.

I prefer the second method as it look tidier to me and if I have to change the blog design, I will be able to remember which tweak I made before in the blog template.

Backup and save a copy of your template before you do any adjustment.

Method 1
Log in to your Blogger’s dashboard, click on ‘LAYOUT’ tab and click on ‘EDIT HTML’. There is a checkbox to ‘EXPAND WIDGET TEMPLATES’. For method 1 you need to expand the widget templates and dig in the mess of codes, this is another reason why I prefer using method 2.

Locate the widget ID (That is the particular widget you are messing with.) Search for this line,
<b:includable id='main'>
and apply conditional tag/tags just after it.

Search for this line
a few lines further below the first line that you have just found previously. Close the conditional tag/tags just above this line.

Here is an example to display a widget only in home page.

<b:section class='Sidebar' id='Sidebar2' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='HTML999' locked='true' title='TabSideBar' type='HTML'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<!-- only display title if it's non-empty -->
<b:if cond='data:title != ""'>
<h2 class='title'><data:title/></h2>
<div class='widget-content'>
<b:include name='quickedit'/>

Pictorial Description: Click on Image to Enlarge
Methods to Display/Hide Blogger Widget in Specified Pages

Below is the list of Conditional Tags;
Use this when you want to;

display the widget only in home page;
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>

display the widget in home page, archive and label page;
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>

display the widget only in post page;
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

display the widget only in static page;
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "static_page"'>

display the widget only in archive page;
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "archive"'>

display the widget only in specific page;
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "http://kingofcomplain.blogspot.com/2009/05/showing-widget-on-specific-pages-in.html"'>

You can also work the other way round by hiding the widget in certain page.
Use this when you want to;

hide the widget only in home page;
<b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:blog.homepageUrl'>

hide the widget in home page, archive and label page;
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "index"'>

hide the widget only in post page;
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>

hide the widget only in static page;
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "static_page"'>

hide the widget only in archive page;
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "archive"'>

hide the widget only in specific page;
<b:if cond='data:blog.url != "http://kingofcomplain.blogspot.com/2009/05/showing-widget-on-specific-pages-in.html"'>

You can add as many tags as you like only to remember to apply closing tag to all of them.

Method 2
You don’t have to ‘EXPAND WIDGET TEMPLATES’ in this method. Find this line
and apply the opening and closing tags directly above it.

Here is an example to display a widget of ID HTML999 only in home page. You will need to add in the CSS style also.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:blog.homepageUrl'>


Here is an example to hide a widget of ID HTML999 only in home page.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>


You can add as many tags as you like also in the second method. The conditional tags in method 1 are applicable in method 2. Method 2 is just in reverse with method 1 with the same functions. Thank you for reading and let me know if it helps.

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April 15, 2010

Dalai Lama is a Hot Celeb in FaceBook and Twitter

The holiness and the divine that has been preaching about virtues for many centuries turns high tech. The 14th Dalai Lama joins Twitter about a month ago and it had been verified as the real deal. The account started out having about 600 followers but within only a month time, the number of follower increases to over 200000.

Dalai Lama

© DalaiLama Dot Com

Dalai Lama is Tweeting!

About a year ago, there is actually a Mao Shan (Faker) Dalai Lama who joins twitter as the holy Dalai Lama. I can’t imagine what that hero preaches to his followers. Don’t worry as his account had being suspended and the hero deleted the account shortly after that.

The real Dalai Lama also owns a Face book account which currently has about 400000 fans and he look pretty awesome in it. I read this originally in Mashable.com about a month ago and I am totally excited about this and decided to blog it.

Dalai Lama is using FaceBook!

Here is the official Dalai Lama’s page:

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April 14, 2010

Bolo Santosi – The Marketing Strategies of a Singaporean Revolutionary Leader

Her name is Bolo Santosi, is the new leader of the revolutionary army known as The Reapers. She is now using YouTube and FaceBook to expand her influence and hopefully succeed in revolutionizing. She simply complains too much. Whenever this bad ass appears, she will use her slogan: "My Name is Bolo Santosi!" She also starred in a U.S. game "Just Cause 2". Obviously she is a Singaporean. How can she hide that ascent and still want to be a revolutionary leader. PAP will invite her to a picnic soon.

This is her YouTube marketing strategy.

Bolo Santosi is using FaceBook now.

Bolo Santosi Official FaceBook Page

Let's see what people have to say...

Comments on Boro Santosi

Most of the times, people will find it very acceptable and cultural whenever a movies or the media of U.S. featuring countries such as Thailand, Cambodia or India.

Boro Santosi is not the first time that the media of U.S. mention about Singapore. The movie Pirates of the Caribbean 3 also feature Singapore as the Pirate’s stronghold.

In Singapore, whenever something like this happens, I don't know about the response whether is to complain, fun, entertainment, proud or insult.

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April 13, 2010

Linda Hamilton - A Living Angel and True Hero of Modern Time

This is about a heart warming video footage of Linda Hamilton. This oldie challenges the society about the existence of humanity. This video that I am blogging about is only ‘okie’ in YouTube in terms of viewership as it didn’t hit the suppose expectation it should have, still it manage to bag a views of 100k.

Most people know the Hollywood’s actress Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor in the movie Terminator 2 but there is a true hero also name as Linda Hamilton.

Linda Hamilton

Linda Hamilton, an African American woman and a homeless streetwalker showcase to the world what is call humanity where most of us believe it only exist in fairy tales.

Nobody would bother if another “marked as” loser just dies in the middle of the street.

Linda Hamilton stands out among the stereotypic society and attended to a motionless shabby hopeless reject lying in the middle of America’s busy street. She helplessly calls for people’s help and attentions but everyone simply ignores her.

This whole scene is staged; an American reality TV show “What Would You Do?” paid and arrange the shabby stuntman to act as if he was dying. There are hidden cameras from every angle to capture peoples’ reactions. The only thing that is real is Linda Hamilton; she is not a paid actress.

Watch this video below and witness one of the true heroes of modern times. YOU WILL CRY. Damn it, I cried… It is simply awesome.

This video constantly reminds people that angels truly exist and is living among us. I admire Linda’s compassionate and I will not be complaining for at least a week. Think about it, if the shabby stuntman is you, would you also want someone to actually help you?

If you have like this post and were touched by Linda's actions, please help share this post with someone you know.

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April 12, 2010

Taiwan Fat Singing Sensation Lin Yu Chun never say DIE !!!

Well, for those who not known this fat Taiwan boy Lin Yu Chun. He used to be a reject and facing mockery everyday from the society. Taiwanese singing sensation Lin Yu Chun is now the hot stud in internet after performing Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You" on a Taiwan's talent show.

Lin Yu Chun performing I will always love you.

Fat guy, short stuff, dumb ass, pussy face is the remarks that he can expect from people everyday. Indeed he is, however when he starts singing, peoples' jaws drop open, still unsure whether is he lip synchronizing. Watch how he slammed that Whitney Houston in YouTube as the video rant to 1 millions views only within a week and the number is still growing.

As Quote from Yahoo News:
"I now have more confidence in pursuing a singing career," Lin told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. "You don't have to be a good-looking man or woman to succeed. Just be yourself and try your best."

Lin said he had long suffered from a lack of self-confidence because of his plain looks and rotund figure.

"Being fat draws a lot of mockery in our society," he said.

To cope with the pain of his exclusion, he locked himself in his room and sang along with the songs of Celine Dion and Mariah Carey.

But the artist who really grabbed him was Houston _ particularly the song "I Will Always Love You," from the soundtrack to the 1992 film "The Bodyguard."

"I played it again and again even though my parents couldn't stand it any more and asked me to stop," Lin said.

Quoted Source from Yahoo: Taiwan Singer Conjures Up Susan Boyle Comparisons

Yah, many times we do have a choice in life besides complaining and complaining hmmmm well..., and complaining here annnnnnn complaining.

I don't know about the people who had jeered at him being a fat Chinese S clown. He is now my inspiration and hero.

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April 11, 2010

Alternate Methods to add Google Search Box in Blogger Blog

I was searching for alternate methods to add a search box in Blogger. The default navigation bar that provides a search box on the top of Blogger’s blog is very boring, I wanted a more customized search box for my blogs.

UPDATES: All the methods as here is only a SIMPLE FORM SEARCH. Subscribe to my news letters and i will update you some more regarding the AD-SENSE PART ASAP.

Alternate Methods to add Google Search Box in Blogger Blog

Later Google provided bloggers with a search function in their “add a gadget” section and they introduced a free Custom Search Engine (CSE) for any website as well. The problem with these two options introduced by Google is that by following their default instructions to install the search box, the blog may take too long to load.

So here, I am showing 3 alternate methods to add the same search box with similar functions using forms, it is using simple HTML, and therefore the loading time will be lightning fast.

Just cut and copy the below HTML code to any where you want it to appear in your blog.

Method 1
The default search box provide by Blogger. If you have removed your navigation bar on top and you still want the same search box that comes along with it.

Method 1 Demo

Method 1 HTML code

Method 2
This method is simply a search box based on the normal Google search engine. However this method will only display results from within your blog. You will need to change the ‘http://YOURSITE.blogspot.com’ address to your blog URL in the HTML code below.

Method 2 Demo

Method 2 HTML code

(Method 2 - Variation)
You can add a checkbox for your readers to choose from just searching the web or just your blog. Use this form instead.

Method 2 Variation Demo

Search this BlogWeb Search

Method 2 Variation HTML code

Method 3
This method is a modification of Google’s product Custom Search Engine (CSE). They provide a free CSE for anyone; a paid upgrade is available though. However CSE provide JavaScript codes which sometimes slow the blog loading time. So here below is the alternate HTML method.

1. Sign up with Custom Search EngineCustom Search Engine and after you get your Search Engine.
2. Find your Search Engine Unique ID and replace it in the form below.

Method 3 Demo

Method 3 HTML code

Note that I have added a simple JavaScript to all three methods and that is when the default text is on focus, it will automatically disappear. This will make things easier for your user as they do not need to delete the text before they enter a new key search.

Also if you would like your search results to open in a new window. Just add this code.

to your new search box.

Original Code:
<form action="http://www.google.com/cse" id="cse-search-box">

Add your the extra code here as shown below;
<form action="http://www.google.com/cse" id="cse-search-box" target="_blank">

There are many ways to add a search box using simple HTML forms. However, I believe Google is the favorite as they currently have the largest database and that probably also contain more information form your blog then the other search engines.

Thank you for reading. Please link to this post if it helps and feel free to comment and ask.

More reference:
Google Custom Search Engine official site.
Google Simple Search Box and guidelines.

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April 10, 2010

Burning Question: Why Asian Girls Always Go For White Guys?

My friend who is a Caucasian, married to an Asian American girl had asked if there really are more interracial couples than intra-racial couples in the globe.

Asian guys always complain about all this interracial dating, but is it really all that common?

I did a poll among my friends and also found out that 29% of them are in an interracial relationship. Most of them are in a stable relationship and some are getting married too.

There’s generalization in our community that the most beautiful Asian woman prefer to date White. Our Asian women are sociable, charismatic, highly educated, and hold their conversation well (i.e. classical music, politics, photography, philosophy, fashion to making money or running a business).

Interacial Relationship

For a number of reasons, Asian men have lost the confidence to approach the particular Asian woman they want to date, which is often an attractive, very well put together individual. They usually perceive woman a little remote and classified them out of their league (i.e. make-up thick, too sexy, too attractive, classy, a spender), they simply walk the other way and admires from afar.

The prejudice upon Asian women started to build up in the mindset of Asian men. It is said that Asian men do not know how to please or look out for Asian women cause they viewed it as difficult and too much competition. Meanwhile, these women started to divert their attention towards White men. Asian men never gave them the time of day like White men will.
Thus it makes statistical sense that these women would date White men as they are not being pursued by Asian men.

Asia Women

And to clear up all the prejudice will be hard especially when it is all based on impression, “Yep, I knew it. She prefers a Caucasian boyfriend. I’m out of her league.” The usual comment we hear from our Asian men.
Drop me a line, do you agree with me?

Sent By: Choo Leng

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Read More/Jump Break Add On by Blogger


Recently (Not too Long Ago) Blogger introduce the read more hack to Blogger templates. You can include the ‘Read More’ in any part of your posting. However, this add on by Blogger does not automatic generate a thumbnail and you have to add them manually. This is call 'Jump Break'

In your posting, switch to 'Compose' mode and you will see the logo. Refer the diagram below:
JumpBreak Blogger

Just click on this Jump Break any where you would like Blogger to truncate your posting.

If you are using HTML mode, use this to shorten your post.

You can change the 'READ MORE' to any text you like by:

Clicking on ‘LAYOUT’ tab and click on ‘Page Elements’. Click on the 'EDIT' on Blog Post.

JumpBreak Blogger

Thank You and Happy Blogging...

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April 9, 2010

Attractive Singapore Girls Abusing her Beauty over Geeky Guys?

Complain by: Geeky Cheng
Physically attractive peoples tend to have a slight advantage in stands and rights over people that are of less pretty? What more unscrupulous is that most of them abuse and their gifted beauty over other less attractive people. I am still pondering how true this claim is. I heard this complain to me from a friend about an attractive lady that deleted him in Face book and MSN after she failed to get what she wants.

I have been working as a computer Technician in Singapore for 3 years. Recently, I get to know this Singapore girl named Fiona when I am attending my night classes in NTU. As far as to my acknowledgement, we were neutral friends working under the same project group. We would hang out very late in a group together in NTU to develop our project almost every night.

Top Society Girl

As a geek, I admit that I am not good with ladies and always the left over in my cahoots. I can say Fiona is physically attractive and I had tried to invite her to a dinner just with me for a couple of times but however I was rejected every time.

One fine day, Fiona called me during the afternoon when I was working. She said that her PC broke down and she had to get it fixed fast. She asks whether if I could help her fixed her PC immediately?

Therefore, I informed my boss and drove over to her place with the company van. After a thorough inspection, I realized her hard disk is causing the problem. I drove her PC back to my company and replaced the hard disk.

After that when I delivered her PC back to her flat, I also issued a receipt of S120 to her.

She asks me: “Are you serious that you want to charge me for that, I thought you said you were going to help me?”

My response was: “This is just the price of the new hard disk which I had taken from my company. I never charged you anything for the services or transports as I will handle these costs.”

Fiona replied: “Oh come on, the hard disk belongs to your company and you worked so hard for them. Just take lah, can do it just once. Nobody in your company care about this hard disk one lah. You still want to charge for helping a friend meh?”

I replied: “Ermm.., yup, I really need to pay my company for the hard disk if not I will get sacked, and I am not returning the PC until you paid for the hard disk.”

She pulls out her wallet and handed me the money and ask me to get out of her house immediately. After that, her attitude towards me starts to change. We never talk for the last 3 weeks until now, even when I tried to approach her. She would just ignore me and delete my contact in Face Book and MSN.

Seriously, I am still complaining to myself: “What is wrong with you? Why are you treating me as the bully when actually I feel that you are the bully instead, when you expect me to cover all the costs for your hard disk?”

Now who is being unreasonable????????

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April 6, 2010

The Most Sensitive Malaysian Couple I ever Seen - Part 1

Sent In: Shooi Hui

They lived by their hiding place, a ground floor room beside a hall which has converted into a room where the owner now lived. The house is a three storey house, 2 rooms on 3rd floor, 3 rooms on 2nd floor and 3 rooms on ground floor.

I was renting the 3rd floor early April 2009 till October 2009 I was moved to 2nd floor when I first realised their existence on the ground floor. I start to hear noises that coherent with my movement and my action. I puzzled because I didn't really notice anything nor hear anything while I was living on 3rd floor. I guess I'm not so sensitive and get irritated easily kindda person. I was totally ignorant for the noise they made in reflect they hear my every movement downstairs. I puzzled...why is that so?

Why on earth would anyone care about the noise emitted from 2nd or 3rd floor? And I found out the actual reason why. After doing much lazying around for over a week on the computer in my room, I somehow got to understand and track back their every movement. They are following me. And every sound or movement I made, they are doing it back. As I start to get a clearer picture, they are sensitive but in what area?

The Couple Hide Out

The sound of footsteps, talking on phone, running water, something spill to the floor; in fact every slight movement you make they can hear. They can even hear you talking upstairs and going into the toilet bathing. They know your every movement in the house, where you are and what you doing.

They are very curious to find out what you doing all the time...it's 24/7 keeping track of your movement, action and position. What they do is nothing but staying in their room all the time doing all these. They do not watch television in their room, nor do anything useful that is what I found out. They are just staying in their room and lazying around, I would like to point out one factor the cause of sensitivity in human lies in being too lazy.

Therefore, there will always be 'someone' following you when you step into the house. You feel that this unknown connection is trying to reach out to you but do not want to communicate face-to-face. Just want to lure you in your movements, things you do when you preoccupied your mind with house chores. You will feel that this unknown connection is challenging you to connect with it while you are doing your house chore or doing something, there's a plug that tries to pull you away from doing your thing so you can understand it and stop everything you're supposed to do.

What's more surprising, you want to focus on your thing but sink deeper into it and can't focus anymore. Your mind wants to do something, but that it tries to pull you away and the message it trying to tell you is, they exist and want attention. Want to be noticed and to be pampered according to its mood.

You are just there to sleep, bath, and do your thing but this couple was trying to halt you into doing your things. All because of sensitive, could not switch off its plug but choose to switch it on and follow you everywhere you go.

It did not comprehend your existence so it tries to aggitate you but it failed cause of my response that was throwing a cold shoulder and ignoring completely. The sound got louder and you hear things being thrown to the floor, door being slammed several times and murmuring words inside the room. Then, when you can't understand all the more because you weren't that sensitive, it tries to get your attention by doing things to alert you without confronting you upfront. That is the biggest problem I think we all wouldn’t want such thing to befall upon us.

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April 4, 2010

Is this a Mockery from Singapore on the English Standards of other nations?

I saw this post on Stomp Singapore and i thought this is the most ridiculous and corniest things I had ever seen.

Duck Egg in China.

Quoted from Stomp:
The abuse of the world's most widely-spoken language of public administration, English, in some countries is a primary factor in marring their international repute, says STOMPer Zen.

Worse, this abuse makes these countries laughing stocks as they are errors which are not only humorous, but ridiculous.

So, Zen hopes Singapore would not descend to this low level. How can investors and tourists take a country seriously when it can't even the most international language English right?

As a frequent traveler, he sees such abuse in countries like South Korea and Japan.

The author seems to jeer at non English speaking communities and thought that English is everything to this world.

Our Complain reporters hit the busy streets of Orchard Road and let’s see what people have to say?

Complain reporter: "What is your reaction if Stomp Singapore post an article that is trying to educate fellow Singaporeans about the standard of English by including some elements of mockery on other nations?"

And here are the responses so far;

Mr Oh Xiang G

Mr J Anime

Mr Sumi Momo

Here are some verbal responses:
16 years old Ah Beng Tan says: "I dunno lah, don't ask me leh, my father come from Taiwan, my Mother come from Hong Kong and my friend all call me Bengster Tan but irony i dunno how to speak simple Canto or Minan Hokkien. Singapore's school say only talking Guai Lo... I fail my Ang Mo, now i end up all cannot speak, even more jialat. (worst)"

47 years old Politics Ah Kau says: "I strongly agreed that we should constantly upgrade ourselves and try to master English tapi (but) we should not be too Kiasu (paranoid) about it. My father from Shanghai is a CEO of Jin Jialat Water Pte. Ltd. and my mother is the GM of Obasan Technology Sdn. Bhd. They are not native English speaking people and their success is not owned because of English, now I am the director of both enterprise and I never pass my GCE 'O' level English."

30 years old Vietnamese’s expat Trung says: "Japan and Korea have very deep influence in the world in terms of culture and contributions and they have good inventions and products and their manual are all written in their native languages. They feel so proud about it. For example, who never heard of Sony, Samsung, LG, Toshiba, Mitsubishi or Toyota. How many nations know of the Singapore brand Enzer? You mean because English so important until these creative products cannot survive without English?"

55 years old 4D, Magnum, Toto and Dua Chai striker Ah Koon says: "Now a day, young people in the Singapura don't know how to speak Malayu only talking English because this is what the school teaches by default and we call our selves part of South East Asia or ASEAN surrounded by 4 Malay countries? How to Kao Puway (associate) with people? Later they Jia (Bully) you ah. Then never mind, even the own native languages also cannot talk... Isn't that we need to feel more ashamed rather than Japanese or Korean?"

King of Complain says:
"So please i know you have many thing to Kao Bei (Complain) tell me what is your Kao Bei and give me your best Kao bei in the below Kao Bei section.

Oh yah, you can catch the original Kao Bei from Stomp at [here]

For foreigners who can't understand Singapore's or Malaysia's Lingo in the above posting please drop a Kao Bei as well. You know you like to Kao Bei."

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