March 22, 2010

Little Girl's Hand is Very Itchy

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Ms. Chia Swee Ren, a full time general employee working in NTUC Fair Price of Singapore (Super mart Similar to Wal-Mart or Tesco) complained to us about a 70 years old defensive Granny and her little hero granddaughter.

While Granny was shopping in NTUC, her mischievous 4 years old granddaughter moved around the mart and pull out electric plugs like a hero!

Ms. Chia who was the main promoter for the desert corner had turned panicked when she found out that the ice creams inside the ice cream fridge were melting. She realized that the switch has being tampered with so she set foot to find out the culprit.

Ms. Chia had caught the granddaughter red handed while she (granddaughter) was busy unplugging the fridge containing yogurts. Chia hold the little girl's hand away and give a very light smack on the little girl's palm.

Don't mess with Singapore Granny.

Ms. Chia gives the girl a stern look and tells her that it is wrong to do this. It was at this moment that granny appears; granny saw what Chia had done and started the big scene.

Granny demanded an apology from Ms. Chia and she wanted to see Chia's manager as well. Granny create a Hollywood scene and many onlookers stop by and "look see look see". Granny claimed in front of the public that Ms. Chia had bullied and hit her granddaughter hard without any reason.

Ms. Chia was very embarrassed by the scene and she tried explaining to granny that her granddaughter has been tampering with the electrical wirings. Chia also tried to explain that this is a very dangerous act and she also didn't hit her granddaughter. What she did was simply stopping what the girl is doing.

Despite what Ms. Chia was actually doing. The public seems to believe what granny is saying and Ms. Chia had to back off.

Granny then grabs her granddaughter's hand and went off.

Ms Chia told us that: “The ice creams are almost in a liquid state, I don't even intend to call the authorities, all I want is just to bring the message across to the girl and her granny that it is wrong to tampered with electrical wirings in a public supermarket."

How come some customer like that one?

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